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Children are a very important part of life at Pilgrimage United Church of Christ; thriving in the love and support of the congregation and God. We challenge our children and youth to think for themselves and ask questions about their faith. As Jesus said, "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."
Youth Programs During Worship
Infants & Toddlers
Children ages 0-3 years are welcome to attend our services* or stay in our nursery. Our nursery is staffed by a well-qualified member of our community who will welcome your child with loving care.
*Nursery is only available during the 10 AM service.

Elementary Age Children
Children ages 3 years through 5th grade participate in the first part of the 10 AM service (opening hymn, confession,) which includes a children's sermon. After the children's sermon, children attend "Faith Formation" where they do a craft related to the week's Scripture. Children ages 6-12 also serve as acolytes.
Middle & High School Youth​
Teens are encouraged to actively participate as leaders in our worship service. They can serve as greeters, ushers, and scripture readers.
Sunday School Programs
Elementary Age Children
Children ages 3 years through 5th grade participate in age appropriate lessons and activities during the 10 AM worship service after the Children's Time sermon. We call this time "Faith Formation". The children return to the Sanctuary during the Offertory.
Middle & High School Youth​
Our teens program includes a variety of programs and activities to feed their spiritual growth. Some programs include:
Worship volunteers (scripture readers, ushers, etc.)
Confirmation Classes
Volunteer Opportunities such as VBS helpers
Occasional Youth get-togethers such as movie nights, picnics, and other activities
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